A bit over 12 months ago a merchant ship was sunk, not far from the shore line, so a recovery pole that had a hook on the end was used to recovery the float. The problem was not the string breaking, but the hook attaching the float line to the hull rusted and snapped, and so the ship lay there for 12 months with several attempts to recover it over the following months. With my first prototype recovery device failing (Got stuck in the mud), Andrew one of younger members suggested constructing it like a plough with tynes. So next pond meet we tried the new and improved recovery device. I rowed out with it on the end of the dingy and would drop out as far the rope we give us, and 2 members would drag it back to shore. After 3 attempts we dragged it to shore. Graham took it home and repaired the ship, which needed a new battery, a brushless motor and reskinning with balsa and a new paint job. There is another ship out there, but is a bit further out. I have widen the recovery rake and attached longer rope, so there will be an attempt in the near future, so stay tuned.